Jewish Speciality Services

Are you looking for support welcoming your baby to the Jewish community? Interested in learning more about pregnancy and birth in the Jewish tradition? I’m delighted to be able to use my personal and professional expertise to offer the following additional services. All services can be purchased a la carte or combined with a birth doula package.

Learning Sessions

In this 90-minute session, learn from Sari about a topic related to fertility, pregnancy, birth, or motherhood in Jerusalem. Suggested topics include:

  • Magic and reproduction in the biblical world and early Judaism

  • Experiences of mothering in the biblical world and ancient Near East

  • A close study of the matriarchs (choose one or more): Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Hannah, Deborah

  • The reality and metaphor of pregnancy in the Torah

    Sessions are designed for 3–5 participants and include a mix of text study, lecture, and lively discussion. They are perfect for birth prep classes, new parent groups, and other chavurot (small groups).

4th-7th c. incantation bowl written in Aramaic from Iraq. Photo by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin via Wikimedia Commons.

Creation Sessions

In this 90-minute session, Sari will guide you in the creation of a personal art object to take home and use for your fertility journey, pregnancy, birth, or child; accompanied by learning about the historical and spiritual significance of these items. Suggested options include:

  • Amulet

  • Incantation Bowl

  • Mezuzah or tzedakah box for baby’s room

  • Tekhines (women’s prayers, traditionally written in Yiddish)

  • Shivti (artisitc representation of a verse from Tehillim/Psalms)

    Sessions can be tailored for individuals or small groups such as birth prep classes or new parent groups.

Simchas (Rituals)

Let Sari support you in designing and implementing a meaningful and joyous simcha (celebratory ritual) to welcome your baby into the world. Options include:

  • M’ugelet/Mother Blessing for a pregnant person

  • Brit Milah/Simchat Bat/Welcoming Baby to the community

  • Guided mikveh (ritual bath) immersion to mark the ninth month of pregnancy, following your birth, weaning, and more (Coming Soon!)

Sari's presence was calming yet energetic…Sari is non-judgmental and was supportive of my choices. Sari definitely improved my labor experience and I would strongly recommend her as a doula.

—A, 2023